Expected utility theory posits a set of rational choice axioms. If these assumptions are satisfied, then the expected utility theorem shows the existence of a utility function with the elegant property that the preferences over risky outcomes can be represented by the expected utility of these outcomes.
A binary investment opportunity, or a binary lottery, consists of three numbers: two outcomes and a probability of the first outcome. We denote this as L = {
p,x,y}, where p is the probability of outcome x (so (1-p) is the probability of y).We can also combine lotteries. This is called a compound lottery. Thus, the compound lottery L = {
p,L1,L2} lets you win the lottery L1 with probability p, and L2 with probability (1-p). When we combine lotteries L1 and L2 to create L, we denote this asAxioms
1. Complete ordering axiom. For any pair of lotteries L
1 and L2, one of the following is true: L1 is strictly preferred to L2 , L2 is strictly preferred to L1, or the investor is indifferent between the two lotteries.2. Continuity axiom. For three lotteries, assume that L
1 is strictly preferred to L2, and L2 is strictly preferred to L3. Then there exists some probability p so that the investor is indifferent between L2 for sure and .
3. Independence axiom. Suppose the investor is indifferent between lotteries L
1 and L2. Let L3 be another lottery. Then, the investor is indifferent betweenand
Similarly, if L
1 is strictly preferred to L2, then the first combination is strictly preferred to the second.4. Unequal probability axiom. Assume that L
1 is strictly preferred to L2. If Li = {p , L1, L2} and Lk = {r, L1, L2 } then Li is strictly preferred to Lk if and only if p > r.The set of possible risky investment opportunities is assumed to be finite. Denote the most preferred (best) as L
B and the least preferred (worst) as LW.Expected Utility Theorem
If these axioms are satisfied, then there exists a utility function, U, such that for any two lotteries L
1 and L2, L1 is preferred to L2 if and only if the expected utility from L1 is greater than that from L2,Proof:
Set U(L
B) = 1 and U(Lw) = 0. Now, consider a lottery L1. According to the continuity axiom, there exists a probability, say p1, such that the investor is indifferent between L1 and the compound lottery opportunity (p1,LB,Lw).Set
Similarly, for any other lottery L
2, we set U(L2) = p2, where the investor is indifferent between L2 and (p2 ,LB , Lw ).We want to make sure that the way we are assigning utility numbers preserves the investor's preferences. From Axiom 1, the investor is either indifferent between L
1 and L2 or strictly prefers L1 or strictly prefers L2. By Axiom 4, this will be the case only if respectively p1 = p2 , p1 > p2 , or p1 < p2, and so U preserves the preferences.Finally, we need to show that we can compare any two compound lotteries simply by taking expected utilities. This requires us to show that if L = (
p, L1, L2) is a compound lottery, thenTo show this, we need the independence axiom. First, substitute (
p1, LB, Lw) for L1, and (p2, LB, Lw ) for L2. Then, the investor is indifferent between
which equals
which is
By construction U(L
B )=1 and U(Lw)=0. Therefore, this equalswhich establishes the expected utility theorem.
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